
Showing posts from June, 2018

I don't really enjoy this.

Everyone has a blog.  Well, everyone who drinks lattes does.  So if I ever want to be cool, I have to have one too.  So here it is.  Like a stone in a wheat field, like a bad tooth that makes it hard to eat. I've been through a lot in the last 17 years since I moved to Arizona.  And yes, lost a couple of molars along the way.  So we will see. I can say this; God has me pretty tight for now.  Has ever since I lost my Job at University of Phoenix on March 23rd.  Still, I do need to find another job soon, I am just not pressed for the next two months. I would like something good to happen.  I would like to not have a job where I am strapped to a phone for 8 hours a day.  Call center jobs are horrible things.  They are completely dead end, mindless work.  The digital version of picking cotton in the fields.  Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. So that is what I am praying for.  You are welcome to pray with me....