Winning the War.
Please forgive the semi-rambling preamble, I do think an explanation is valuable.
One reason I do not say everything I want to say is I do not think you are ready to get to know the real me(heh). That is unfortunate, as this particular blog is going to be almost completely personal. It is hard to overcome the mental inertia society creates for us. Following the crowd usually leads to psychic crampedness, as public opinion puts our minds in a vice that crushes the ability to understand even simple ideas.
In response, I have to open up and dig deep to show you just how much is true about my intimate understanding of the issues we face as men. I also need to make sure above all else you come away absolutely clear about one thing; THERE IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION TO BEGIN UNDOING THE ILLS OF OUR SOCIETY, AND ALL OTHER ATTEMPTS ARE DOOMED TO FAIL.
Let me recap roughly where I think we are in the battle between the sexes among the heterosexuals. The bottom say 10% of both men and women are simply losers, beggars who smell bad and will end up never going to rehab because they do not exist with the same kind of self-dignity and internal pride most people are born with. You can throw them in jail if you want, but they are what they are and they will never be anything else, and I see no evidence they have the slightest bit of power to change themselves. About half are mentally ill while the other have simply lack an internal steering mechanism. These people need Jesus in a way the rest of us do not understand.
About 55-60% of men are good to OK, generally speaking. About 10% are affected with the male version of the feminist virus, and the other 20% are the charming toads women spend all day kissing on. When women claim that "all men are dogs" they really mean "we are wasting all our time dating the same handful of users and abusers because we're shallow too".
But make no mistake about it, when I say "OK" I am talking mostly "just OK, and not above that" for the majority of us. Most men in that group are "nice", which is to say minimally acceptable. And this is a subject I am going to come back to later, so do not forget it.
Women are more of a mixed bag; beyond the 10% there is another 20% or so who have been infected with the feminist virus and are lost to the rest of us. Like the bottom 10% nothing can be done. Paranoia and hatred have taken over their minds like a disease and I do not think they can be cured. The last 70% are divided equally between the WWALTs and the culturally crippled.
WWALTs, as I have explained, are the great women in society, but they are rare, somewhere less than 40% of the population. They pick the cream of the crop when it comes to men, marrying those who are like-minded and get off to a good start as young adults. The other half belong to the other American culture based on greed, selfishness, rebellion, and narcissism. We don't like to admit this, but there are two American cultures; the right honorable culture and the wicked culture.
We need to move all of us, at least as much as possible, out of the wicked culture and back into the right honorable culture. This is not an easy task, but it may be possible if we can build the kind of structures that allow everyday citizens to once again have a say in our society. I believe the following steps could be a useful framework for this attempt.
1. Stop feeding the beast. No more booty calls, no more one night stands. Men who engage in these behaviors encourage and perpetuate the grooming of women to be low-quality and inadequate to our needs. Pump-and-dump men create a response, pump-and-dump women.
2. Just say no. No to all the pressure to suffer silently. No to going along to get along. No to our brothers when they engage in destructive and animalistic behaviors unfitting of the civilized. No to having our families destroyed. No to fatherless children. No to the sick demands of the feminists and their perverted allies.
3. Call them out. Don't let them get away with it. Don't make it easy. Statistics don't actually do anything...people do. You neighbors are the "statistic" not having children. You neighbors are the teachers pushing pedophilia and trans ideas on kindergartners. Your neighbors are the ones acting out violently as a part of antifa. Your neighbors-real people are doing the evil things in the world.
4. Hold them accountable. Don't let your guard down for a minute. Ignore all the sob stories. Laugh and spit at all the nasty names you will be called. Stand your ground, and be prepared for the storm that is coming when you do all this. People will hate you for being old-fashioned, BUT THAT IS LITERALLY THE ONLY OPTION.
So what does all this have to do with me and my family? I'm glad you asked. When I say I know a lot of WWALTs, the first person in that list would be my grandmother, and my grandfather was amazing too. They met when he returned from France at the end of WWII where he fought on the beaches of France and at the Battle of the Bulge.
My Grandmother did not want to date him. She had recently divorced her first husband who was violent (even WWALTs will on occasion choose wrong) and back then that carried a REAL STIGMA with it. She had landed a great job working for Mitchellace, at the time the largest manufacturer of shoelaces in the world. She was brought on permanently at the war's end and would keep her job until around 1970 in fact.
The last thing she needed was to have the rumor mill to get started about her divorcing and then picking up with some strange man. So he really had to talk her into dating. As the first date wound down, he took her to a local bar, ordered a double shot, and after a couple of them fell off the barstool. She stood up, told him to call again when he was serious, and walked herself home.
AND THAT IS HOW THIS WORKS. It takes two parties who understand how hard all this stuff is and are willing to do those hard things. And they hold each other accountable not just to what they want today but what is good for both of them in the long run. My grandfather never set foot in a bar again-he drank here and there just a little (he even bought a huge open ceramic vat and made his own very tasty blackberry wine one summer), but he was laid back and never a heavy drinker.
That doesn't mean he was a pushover-I was there when he bought a new van, and a new fishing boat. And grandma didn't like him spending the money for them, or for the trip to Florida to visit family we went on when I was 14. But she lost those arguments, and then bit her tongue rather than act bitter or hateful, because that's what adults do. And to be honest, she loved to fish as much as we did, so she used the boat just as much.
If you will read through this story carefully, you will see all the things I am talking about. Men raising men (Grandpa raised me more or less). People behaving like adults because that is what the neighbors expect of them. People willing to give even when it comes to their "rights" to work out solutions.
In some ways I am a poor example of this. I also choose poorly for my first spouse, but I will never marry crazy again. And I have not married again, although in my case I have dated and even formed some close friendships with many women I think are awesome, and a lot of them are WWALTs. But I was never able to attract a woman to date that was really high quality, as I also have lots of work to do on myself. I was always willing, just never got the opportunity, and I know you cannot find a good woman in the wicked culture bin, which is really the leftover bin most people are sorting through by the time they are 30.
And after I separated from my ex, I thought things were going to work out between me and a close friend of ours. When she also had a split with her partner, I tried to see if we could make it work. Eventually it did not happen, and when I split with her back in about 1994 I decided I was not going to sleep with anyone else unless I was married to them. That has been a vow I have kept, and I have had plenty of chances over the years (I'm not sure, but I would say when you are sitting on a bench next to a woman you are talking to, and she goes shuffling through her purse and just happens to drop a condom on the bench between the two of you it might be a sign).
I know, you think I am bat shit crazy right now. I would reply with the following;
1. I haven't used or mistreated anyone, nor been so.
2. I have not contributed to the problem of the horde of low-quality women we are facing like you have.
3. I have not abandoned the very morals I think are literally the only way to fix things.
4. My principles are uncompromised.
5. If on the outside chance I do get married again, my future spouse will have absolutely no reason to doubt my commitment or that I thought about what I was doing for a long time before we ever met.
Here is the part you do not want to hear, gentlemen; sooner or later, you are going to have to choose between easy sex or quality women. YOU CAN'T HAVE BOTH. We will continue down crazy street until you decide as I have done we cannot afford this anymore as men or people or a society. It all lies in your hands, AND NOTHING WILL CHANGE UNTIL YOU DO. Yes, there are men out there who will tell you to work on yourself and you will "attract women" that are better. Marginally better, yes, but still the same because at the core you are still the same.
Go listen to a few hours of Jordan Peterson and get yourself together. And understand this; you deserve NOTHING better than what you are getting until you do.
One reason I do not say everything I want to say is I do not think you are ready to get to know the real me(heh). That is unfortunate, as this particular blog is going to be almost completely personal. It is hard to overcome the mental inertia society creates for us. Following the crowd usually leads to psychic crampedness, as public opinion puts our minds in a vice that crushes the ability to understand even simple ideas.
In response, I have to open up and dig deep to show you just how much is true about my intimate understanding of the issues we face as men. I also need to make sure above all else you come away absolutely clear about one thing; THERE IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION TO BEGIN UNDOING THE ILLS OF OUR SOCIETY, AND ALL OTHER ATTEMPTS ARE DOOMED TO FAIL.
Let me recap roughly where I think we are in the battle between the sexes among the heterosexuals. The bottom say 10% of both men and women are simply losers, beggars who smell bad and will end up never going to rehab because they do not exist with the same kind of self-dignity and internal pride most people are born with. You can throw them in jail if you want, but they are what they are and they will never be anything else, and I see no evidence they have the slightest bit of power to change themselves. About half are mentally ill while the other have simply lack an internal steering mechanism. These people need Jesus in a way the rest of us do not understand.
About 55-60% of men are good to OK, generally speaking. About 10% are affected with the male version of the feminist virus, and the other 20% are the charming toads women spend all day kissing on. When women claim that "all men are dogs" they really mean "we are wasting all our time dating the same handful of users and abusers because we're shallow too".
But make no mistake about it, when I say "OK" I am talking mostly "just OK, and not above that" for the majority of us. Most men in that group are "nice", which is to say minimally acceptable. And this is a subject I am going to come back to later, so do not forget it.
Women are more of a mixed bag; beyond the 10% there is another 20% or so who have been infected with the feminist virus and are lost to the rest of us. Like the bottom 10% nothing can be done. Paranoia and hatred have taken over their minds like a disease and I do not think they can be cured. The last 70% are divided equally between the WWALTs and the culturally crippled.
WWALTs, as I have explained, are the great women in society, but they are rare, somewhere less than 40% of the population. They pick the cream of the crop when it comes to men, marrying those who are like-minded and get off to a good start as young adults. The other half belong to the other American culture based on greed, selfishness, rebellion, and narcissism. We don't like to admit this, but there are two American cultures; the right honorable culture and the wicked culture.
We need to move all of us, at least as much as possible, out of the wicked culture and back into the right honorable culture. This is not an easy task, but it may be possible if we can build the kind of structures that allow everyday citizens to once again have a say in our society. I believe the following steps could be a useful framework for this attempt.
1. Stop feeding the beast. No more booty calls, no more one night stands. Men who engage in these behaviors encourage and perpetuate the grooming of women to be low-quality and inadequate to our needs. Pump-and-dump men create a response, pump-and-dump women.
2. Just say no. No to all the pressure to suffer silently. No to going along to get along. No to our brothers when they engage in destructive and animalistic behaviors unfitting of the civilized. No to having our families destroyed. No to fatherless children. No to the sick demands of the feminists and their perverted allies.
3. Call them out. Don't let them get away with it. Don't make it easy. Statistics don't actually do anything...people do. You neighbors are the "statistic" not having children. You neighbors are the teachers pushing pedophilia and trans ideas on kindergartners. Your neighbors are the ones acting out violently as a part of antifa. Your neighbors-real people are doing the evil things in the world.
4. Hold them accountable. Don't let your guard down for a minute. Ignore all the sob stories. Laugh and spit at all the nasty names you will be called. Stand your ground, and be prepared for the storm that is coming when you do all this. People will hate you for being old-fashioned, BUT THAT IS LITERALLY THE ONLY OPTION.
So what does all this have to do with me and my family? I'm glad you asked. When I say I know a lot of WWALTs, the first person in that list would be my grandmother, and my grandfather was amazing too. They met when he returned from France at the end of WWII where he fought on the beaches of France and at the Battle of the Bulge.
My Grandmother did not want to date him. She had recently divorced her first husband who was violent (even WWALTs will on occasion choose wrong) and back then that carried a REAL STIGMA with it. She had landed a great job working for Mitchellace, at the time the largest manufacturer of shoelaces in the world. She was brought on permanently at the war's end and would keep her job until around 1970 in fact.
The last thing she needed was to have the rumor mill to get started about her divorcing and then picking up with some strange man. So he really had to talk her into dating. As the first date wound down, he took her to a local bar, ordered a double shot, and after a couple of them fell off the barstool. She stood up, told him to call again when he was serious, and walked herself home.
AND THAT IS HOW THIS WORKS. It takes two parties who understand how hard all this stuff is and are willing to do those hard things. And they hold each other accountable not just to what they want today but what is good for both of them in the long run. My grandfather never set foot in a bar again-he drank here and there just a little (he even bought a huge open ceramic vat and made his own very tasty blackberry wine one summer), but he was laid back and never a heavy drinker.
That doesn't mean he was a pushover-I was there when he bought a new van, and a new fishing boat. And grandma didn't like him spending the money for them, or for the trip to Florida to visit family we went on when I was 14. But she lost those arguments, and then bit her tongue rather than act bitter or hateful, because that's what adults do. And to be honest, she loved to fish as much as we did, so she used the boat just as much.
If you will read through this story carefully, you will see all the things I am talking about. Men raising men (Grandpa raised me more or less). People behaving like adults because that is what the neighbors expect of them. People willing to give even when it comes to their "rights" to work out solutions.
In some ways I am a poor example of this. I also choose poorly for my first spouse, but I will never marry crazy again. And I have not married again, although in my case I have dated and even formed some close friendships with many women I think are awesome, and a lot of them are WWALTs. But I was never able to attract a woman to date that was really high quality, as I also have lots of work to do on myself. I was always willing, just never got the opportunity, and I know you cannot find a good woman in the wicked culture bin, which is really the leftover bin most people are sorting through by the time they are 30.
And after I separated from my ex, I thought things were going to work out between me and a close friend of ours. When she also had a split with her partner, I tried to see if we could make it work. Eventually it did not happen, and when I split with her back in about 1994 I decided I was not going to sleep with anyone else unless I was married to them. That has been a vow I have kept, and I have had plenty of chances over the years (I'm not sure, but I would say when you are sitting on a bench next to a woman you are talking to, and she goes shuffling through her purse and just happens to drop a condom on the bench between the two of you it might be a sign).
I know, you think I am bat shit crazy right now. I would reply with the following;
1. I haven't used or mistreated anyone, nor been so.
2. I have not contributed to the problem of the horde of low-quality women we are facing like you have.
3. I have not abandoned the very morals I think are literally the only way to fix things.
4. My principles are uncompromised.
5. If on the outside chance I do get married again, my future spouse will have absolutely no reason to doubt my commitment or that I thought about what I was doing for a long time before we ever met.
Here is the part you do not want to hear, gentlemen; sooner or later, you are going to have to choose between easy sex or quality women. YOU CAN'T HAVE BOTH. We will continue down crazy street until you decide as I have done we cannot afford this anymore as men or people or a society. It all lies in your hands, AND NOTHING WILL CHANGE UNTIL YOU DO. Yes, there are men out there who will tell you to work on yourself and you will "attract women" that are better. Marginally better, yes, but still the same because at the core you are still the same.
Go listen to a few hours of Jordan Peterson and get yourself together. And understand this; you deserve NOTHING better than what you are getting until you do.