VOX Finally Tells The Truth
https://www.vox.com/2019/7/17/20696543/national-conservatism-conference-2019-trump?fbclid=IwAR1mZUOk9EE5Ia1XKJzjLxvtLmuDqCbO5nbHxomEbyi48z_7CFj8fZ6Sfs4 Let me explain to you what is so dangerous about this Vox article and Antifa and the modern left. They are about a billion more times as dangerous than you think, and this article is meant to explain exactly why. I am going to use THE TRUE definition of Fascism for the first time in public so you can see what is going on: Fascism is the political movement geared towards creating a universal and all-powerful bureaucracy using the popular political movements of the time. Let me break this down to make it easier to understand. Fascism DOES NOT equal Nazism the way it has come to in modern history, as in both Spain and Italy Fascism was never tied to the popular antisemitism found in Germany and parts of eastern Europe . But OUTSIDE of the racism of the Nazi’s, all three governments had the same aim; to creat...