VOX Finally Tells The Truth


Let me explain to you what is so dangerous about this Vox article and Antifa and the modern left.  They are about a billion more times as dangerous than you think, and this article is meant to explain exactly why.  I am going to use THE TRUE definition of Fascism for the first time in public so you can see what is going on:

Fascism is the political movement geared towards creating a universal and all-powerful bureaucracy using the popular political movements of the time.

Let me break this down to make it easier to understand.  Fascism DOES NOT equal Nazism the way it has come to in modern history, as in both Spain and Italy Fascism was never tied to the popular antisemitism found in Germany and parts of eastern Europe.  But OUTSIDE of the racism of the Nazi’s, all three governments had the same aim; to create an all-encompassing bureaucracy to replace the capitalist and democratic systems of the west.

Read Hitler’s own words from Wikisource for yourself and have your eyes opened:

It is self-evident that where this democracy rules, the people as such are not taken into consideration at all. The only thing that matters is the existence of a few hundred gigantic capitalists who own all the factories and their stock and, through them, control the people. The masses of the people do not interest them in the least. They are interested in them just as were our bourgeois parties in former times - only when elections are being held, when they need votes. Otherwise, the life of the masses is a matter of complete indifference to them.

To this must be added the difference in education. Is it not ludicrous to hear a member of the British Labor Party - who, of course, as a member of the Opposition is officially paid by the government - say: 'When the war is over, we will do something in social respects'?

It is the members of Parliament who are the directors of the business concerns - just as used to be the case with us. But we have abolished all that. A member of the Reichstag cannot belong to a Board of Directors, except as a purely honorary member. He is prohibited from accepting any emolument, financial or otherwise. This is not the case in other countries.

They reply: 'That is why our form of government is sacred to us.' I can well believe it, for that form of government certainly pays very well.. But whether it is sacred to the mass of the people as well is another matter.

The people as a whole definitely suffer. I do not consider it possible in the long run for one man to work and toil for a whole year in return for ridiculous wages, while another jumps into an express train once a year and pockets enormous sums. Such conditions are a disgrace. On the other hand, we National Socialists equally oppose the theory that all men are equals. Today, when a man of genius makes some astounding invention and enormously benefits his country by his brains, we pay him his due, for he has really accomplished something and been of use to his country. However, we hope to make it impossible for idle drones to inhabit this country.

I could continue to cite examples indefinitely. The fact remains that two worlds are face to face with one another. Our opponents are quite right when they say: 'Nothing can reconcile us to the National Socialist world.' How could a narrow-minded capitalist ever agree to my principles? It would be easier for the Devil to go to church and cross himself with holy water than for these people to comprehend the ideas which are accepted facts to us today. But we have solved our problems.” (Emphasis Mine)

-Hitler’s Speech to the Workers of Berlin, Dec 10, 1940


The real difference between the modern Left and Right lies not in who should have rights, but rather in who should administer them.  Conservatives and Libertarians believe that as much as possible the individuals in society should be free to enter contracts and settle disputes with the state as a last resort while the Left believes that the society as a whole - once known as the collective - should administer these rights through the bureaucrats of the government.

What at one time was called collectivism is now called Globalism, but it is at heart the same thing; just as Hitler’s government took authority over all German business and directed them, the modern-day Globalists want to turn international, and eventually all businesses into the modern-day “shop managers (Betriebsfuhrer)” that they were in Germany and Italy and Spain.  You don’t REALLY think Facebook and Twitter would ban dissenters and close down channels and discussion if they didn’t have the backing of powerful national and international forces to do so do you?

At the end of World War II it became quite clear to the racists that their version of Fascism would never grab the popular imagination the way they hoped, while the continued survival of Fascism in Spain under Franco continued for many more decades.  So among the truly powerful leaders a momentous decision was made; to stop using racist politics as the main channel and begin using CULTURAL SUPREMACY as the main way to attract and keep long-term adherents.  And so Liberalism began to focus on Postmodernism and the rights of cultural groups to gather together a political coalition capable of creating a powerful bureaucracy.

And in general the groups most helped by the Left in the innocent early days before the Postmodernists took over, such as minorities, deserved having equal rights and a proper place in society.  No rational person would think otherwise.  But this was not really what the Globalist Fascists are after, so rather than allowing what would happen in a healthy and normal society - that a slow deliberative process of laws would be created to enforce this new set of social relationships and the people involved allowed to move on and develop new and improved interpersonal relationships such as after the Civil War - the Fascist Left has spent the last 60 years fanning the same flames over and over.

This allows them to keep people who support Leftism bitter and divided, and it is the main reason why colleges mostly teach students to be paranoid and angry.  The story of constant oppression allows the members of the Left to feel morally superior due to their political and social beliefs.  This was hidden from public view for a long time, but even spending a few minutes on any social media or in conversation with a supporter of the Left will make this overwhelming belief in their moral superiority self-evident now.  It is really the engine driving the entire Fascist Left and their lurch to the extreme.

That is why the Left and groups like Antifa are convinced they are so much better than the rest of us; they have been taught this all their lives.  And, they have been taught the correct answer to the world’s problems is to have a powerful government able to oversee the lives of every individual and impress the cultural will on anyone who gets out of lineTHIS LITERALLY IS FASCISM THROUGH A SECULARIST FLAG.  In the end, the bureaucracy will oversee every facet of human activity just as it did in all the other Fascist states of the 20th century.

The communist tendencies advocated and supported by the violent left wing groups are just a smoke screen; the Globalist Fascists have no intention of ever giving up control, and those silly enough to believe this will be among the first rounded up.  The heart of the Globalist and Internationalist groups that do not believe in nations or borders is not to increase freedom, but to increase universal interventionism into everyone’s life.  Ultimately, the desire is to create a universal European Union spanning the entire globe.  A Worldwide Fascist European Union that much like the one in Brussels today is free to create rules and hand down judgments and sentences without local control.

This is the real game being played today.  The Rainbow Flag is, like all the other Leftist standards, simply a means to power.  That they have turned a Leftist movement that once demanded free speech into little dictators who wish to suppress speech should be the window through which you can see the true motives of those who wish to subjugate us.  Just as in previous Fascist states, the companies go along for two reasons; first, once the bureaucrats have power they can make life for a dissenting business practically impossible.  And having been infiltrated with true believers, it is difficult for a business to rally it’s employees in it’s defense.

So everything you see is intentional, and purposefully deceptive.  Occasio-Cortez may believe the nonsense she sputters in public, but Nancy Pelosi is among those determined politicians who are truly the dangerous ones.  The two are opposite sides of the same coin: One side stirs up outrage while the other works to organize bills that empower the bureaucracy.  And they get away with it all day long, which is why it has been so easy for Project Veritas to record admissions of those activities through hidden camera.  Why not brag when you know your manager has your back?

The enemy of all this is the family and local community.  Family, especially with the backing of the Western Church, has been a great contributor to a stable and reliable society in which we are all encultured to understand our place in community and nation and the moral norms that allow us all to live peacefully in a society that values both cooperation and competition.  The family is the greatest overseer of the passing of values to the next generation in history.  That is why the target of the Soviet Left is no longer the oppressed but the destruction of the “oppressive institutions” that resist the creation of an all-powerful secular administrative state.

That is why gay marriage is not about gay marriage, but about driving Christian businesses and artists out of the public square.  That is why students in college are taught how horrible the Christian religion is.  That is why the media ignores the proper balance of factual representation of people of faith and replaces it with a vicious and slanderous set of stereotypes.  And this exactly why our Western Civilization needs to be defended now more than ever before.

So now you know.  And now that you know, you can see what it will take to resist.  But we only have one choice when fighting Fascism; resist or die.


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