The Ring We All Bear
This life may not seem much like a marvelous adventure to you, but I can assure you it is. I wish to expound upon one of those things that makes life so incredible if I may. I do not wish to disturb you, but just like Frodo in Lord of The Rings, you carry a great and terrible secret; in real life, each of us has in our possession a ring. And how we deal with that ring, and what we do with it will go far in determining our future and our fate, for everyone with a ring in their possession has both. This ring has great power, but that strength comes at an incredible price. The ring is named "retribution" and it has destructive power that in the wrong hands has the capability of destroying the whole planet. But that is nothing in comparison to the deadly and corrupting spell cast over is wearer. It is true it has great power to destroy cities and overturn civilizations but the cost of its use is always too high a price to pay. The problem is just a...