LIving Unicorns

Because of the expansive nature of my interests, I am thinking I have to keep this blog going, because as I consider all the ways everything has changed since I was a kid - and literally everything in the whole world has changed since I spent the summer in Florida with my grandparents at the age of 14.  That was 41 years ago, and an entire world away.

I can certainly say that there are lots of differing opinions on just about every subject imaginable, and all of it is available online.   But some of it is just plain bad, some is evil like anti-semitism, and some is just wrong.  I can’t fix stupid or exorcise evil, but I can respond to incorrect.  With that in mind, I want to follow up on my last post about MGTOW.

There is something that both MGTOW and their detractors get wrong; the idea of NAWALTS.  I understand where the confusion lies, so I want to take the huge long view of relationships to set the record straight, and provide correct responses to both sides.  This is incredibly important, as I think a factual understanding of where relationships are at should cause both sides to pause a moment and realign their lifestyles to reality.

I am going to play both sides against the middle, because it is obvious that MGTOW and men in general have truthful and weighty amounts of reality on their side in their descriptions of modern women.  However, they give up their hands by using the term NAWALT.  They use it to mean that there are lots of women who are like that but claim All Women Aren’t Like That.  Yet it is undeniably clear to me that NAWALTs are very real.  Or, maybe I should say there are lots of Women Who Aren’t Like That, or WWALTs.

The truth is, I know a huge number of WWALTs.  I have WWALTs in my own family.  I have a huge pack of WWALTs on my friends list on Facebook, and I can literally point them out to you and describe them to a tee.  My own grandmother was a WWALT.  My grandfather died in 1982, and my grandmother outlived him by nearly 17 years.  At one time, in the mid 1990’s she tried dating another man for about 3 weeks, then had to confess her heart wasn’t in it.

Having so much experience with WWALTs, I am going to give you the straight deal on what they are like, because I want you to understand the truth for your own good.  And, it takes the fake argument about NAWALTs and turns it into a very real argument about the current state of affairs and female behavior.

This is not to say I am going to make many people happy.  Men who have been deeply/recently hurt or are too lazy to dig beyond the superficial will just blow me off.  And most women, especially those who are single, and in particular single mothers, are also going to be unhappy with me, because I am not on their side either.  I am on the side of truth and honest dealing and right living, and this is unacceptable to most.

The first thing I want you to know about WWALTs is that you never had a chance, guys.  They just are not available to you.  A good percentage of WWALT women fall for their man while in high school and marry them either while in or after college.  From what I have seen, 99.99% of WWALTs are married by the age of 24-28.  And WWALTs are about 35% of the entire population of women, so they disappear incredibly quickly off the market.

The only ones who are not married are working on it, or are widowed and are single again through no fault of their own.  So only 1 in 10,000 or 100,000 women available are WWALTs.  Chances are you also know some WWALTs but never even noticed.  But that’s only the start of what makes them different.

Truth is, they grew up differently than you.  They think differently and act differently and believe differently than the average person, both male and female.  One of the first things they look for in a partner is someone who takes responsibility, and they have an incredible skill of picking high-quality men who are on the same wavelength.  They grew up in intact families, and were taught what a good relationship actually looks like.  They do themselves an incredible favor and look for men like their fathers - who, it just happens, are also high-quality.

You literally never had a chance.  And that’s the good news.  Since they chose high-quality men, they don’t generally get divorced.  It is incredibly rare, as they and their husbands actually manage to both keep themselves active and maintain their relationships, so they stay off the market.  And they almost universally have children within the first few years of marriage.  By the time they are 30, practically all of them have a couple of children.  You won’t get a chance with them later, either.

How do I know who is and isn’t a WWALT?  That’s easy, just look at how they behave on social media.  First, they use it sparingly.  I am a communicator, so I use it as a tool like this a lot.  But if it is not necessary like this, it will be an occasional entertainment.  And, what they post is different.  Almost universally, they are posting pictures of their family and kids and friends, and they are not necessarily in all of the pictures.

But they almost never post pictures of just themselves, except for specific reasons, like Halloween makeup.  And they literally never post pictures asking if they are pretty or if their followers think they are cute.  That’s what models or or other low-value women who are just seeking attention do.

And they regularly express gratitude for their families and friends.  Including their husbands.  Gratitude is a real thing, and these women do not monkey branch or cheat.  They have good lives, and realize that an important part of long-term economic and social security comes from growing the garden they planted rather than approaching life as a matter of getting what you can from who you can.

They don’t need to be constantly entertained, as they are adults who have their own hobbies and interests.  So they stay put, and make the best of a good situation.  They do not see life as a series of experiences but more as a cycle.  They are young, and in the childrearing part of the cycle and are happy to be there.

They have families and friends and pets and parents and they grew up understanding this is what life really is.  It was taught to them, modeled for them, and now they naturally follow the same pattern they have been a part of since they were small children.  It’s as natural to them as water flowing downhill.

For the rest of us, this is both good and bad news.  Now that you know what is possible, you can see what is required as well.  This knowledge is a sword that cuts both ways.

You certainly can point to the vast majority of women who are available to you and remind them they are not WWALTs.  WWALTs never rode the carousel, so generally speaking any woman who has slept with more than 3 men is not a WWALT.  Any woman who is unmarried at 30 generally is not a WWALT.  Any women who has not had children by the age of 30 generally is not a WWALT.

You certainly have the right to refuse to date or have a relationship with any woman who is not a WWALT.  I certainly limit my exposure.  But if you are going to do that, then you have to earn the right to date a WWALT.  No more Playstation.  No more weird Anime.  No more Porn Hamster.  You’re gonna have to shape up.

All the talk that MGTOW men have about improving themselves is something you are all going to have to actually start doing.  Working more.  Finishing college courses.  Starting a business.  You are not going to earn a WWALT by sitting around on your ass binge-watching TV.  WWALTs also have the right to demand high-quality men, and chances are you really aren’t one.

And there is one more thing-a strong majority of them attend Church in the West, and whatever religious gathering they have if they are in another society.  Only in Japan will you find a majority of them being non-theist, and there are not nearly enough of them in Japan to go around.  And they are not Universalists either; in general they attend services with denominations that have more than average levels of traditionality.  That is what they are, traditionalists, and they will maintain that worldview.  In fact, this may be the single biggest factor in your blind spot to the fact WWALTs exist at all.

There you are, the whole brutal truth about WWALTs, who and what they are and why you don’t have one.  Now that you know, it is up to you gentlemen to determine what you are going to do to mesh with their values and their society.  What you cannot do is hide behind an Xbox and demand what you have not earned.  Life is giving you exactly what you deserve, so if the women in your life are not marriage material, there is a reason for that, and you are most of it.

You are going to have to retrain your mind, and rethink your current world view, because the one you have been taught is not working for you.  So change.


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