It's All Our Fault. All Of It.

If there is one thing men are getting completely, totally, unexcusably wrong, it is in blaming our current dire straits on feminism and women.  With that statement I want to be crystal clear; I am in no way minimizing the damage feminism is causing in the destruction in our civilization.  I am also not saying that men are doing something horribly bad that they deserve to be crushed under all this Leftist nonsense.

But that does not allow us to ignore the history of how the current situation evolved.  Truth is our fathers and grandfathers are the ones who broke this.  The root of our disease started at the end of World War II.  Americans coming home at the end of the war made the horrible mistake of believing it was over - they had won, and that was the end of that.  There was little left to do, but go home and relax again.  And it's true there has been no more major wars in Europe.  The Cold War was worse for the threat of nuclear annihilation than it was for any real threat of a ground war.  The crude Soviet aircraft and ground weapons were never an even match with American equipment, a gap that grew after the Viet Nam War, to which we only ever partially committed.

Men let their guards down, and turned to the subject that the supposed victorious often do; themselves.  During the 1950’s and 60’s men decided they preferred entertainment to family, cocktail parties and the cheap women that come with them via through Playboy to responsibility.  With no world to conquer, men pursued their own interests, abandoning their children and society for drugs sex and alcohol.  Not everyone, but a plurality, enough to fracture men’s place in society.

Only by the 1980’s there were no more cocktail parties with ugly turtleneck sweaters, only shabby alcoholics and half-dead drug users shooting up neighborhoods and living in shelters or under bushes.  Yet instead of remembering they did this to themselves, men choose to blame others; the drugs came from the CIA, not the drug lords they made fabulously wealthy.  It was not their fault they could not hold a job or pay a bill, it was the government not providing enough free cheese.

Through it all, little by little, men not only gave up on their responsibilities but on their rights as well.  It didn't seem to matter they did not see the children they brought into the world but cared so little about.  They did not care about society, seeing themselves as victims and not the problem.  Men grew even more callous and unrealistic in how they understood their place in the world.  Eventually we have become the very caricature of which we have been smeared; single men in greasy apartments with nothing but a recliner and a TV connected to a gaming console in the living room, with only beer and hot dogs in the fridge.

Men in relationships turned their backs on their fellow men, ignoring the pain and destruction caused by modern divorce laws, only concerned about getting their own as long as they could until it happened to them.  It was only the lucky and skillful who avoided the ruin of divorce over the decades.  Yet at every step, men went along willingly and gave up their civil rights without a peep.  Men were so wrapped up in the imaginary “freedom” they were “experiencing” they never once considered they were losing their real-world freedom.

Every bit of this nonsense could be fixed should we ever decide to be men again.  We’re not depressed - we’re just bored.  How can someone be depressed about a world they really don’t live in?  Most men these days are far more attached to the fake digital worlds they spend most of their time in rather than the real one they complain about too much.  It’s a lot easier to fix things in a digital world with a few button presses than it is to fight for yourself in the real world.  However, just like at every step that came before it, it leaves men and only men responsible for checking out….we’ve been doing it for 70 years now.

If you really cared, every MGTOW proponent would meet one Saturday a month, every month, at the state or court house to protest and fight for our rights.  If we really wanted our rights back, we would stand up for ourselves in the conversation of the public square, even if it means getting up in people’s faces.  If we ever want to be men again, we simply have to take off the psychological dresses and take back our masculinity from those we gave them to.

And since our fathers and grandfathers broke it, now it is our responsibility to fix what they damaged.  It's the only choice we have.


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