An Open Letter for Jordan Peterson on Belief in God
Dear Mr. Peterson, I would like to begin by saying I am a big fan and love what you have done to bring a realistic and hopeful message to the world. It is obvious to me that your work has brought you to a deep understanding of human psychology, and that knowledge is a blessing to us all. But I am compelled to write you concerning your speech on how anyone can say they believe in God. You make some critical errors in your views of who God is, and as a practicing Christian I cannot let them stand for reasons that will become obvious through my explanation. Let me also add that I do not mind at all your discomfort and reluctance to claim your belief in any type of public square. This is fine with me. It is clear your neutrality and willingness to speak from a professional and scientific ground has been an incredible help in allowing your message to resonate with people who are not willing to have a faith-based version of psychology. I like you being...