Doomed to be Single

There is a lot of femsplaining that goes on in the hallowed halls of social media and the internet.  Way too many people, especially females, dismiss concerns like the ones I have.  But let's put this all into perspective so that the gravity of the situation might become a little clearer for those SJWs who have been slow to keep up.

There is an amazing "marriage gap" that has opened up over the last 20 years or so, and it is now reaching crisis proportions.  It is made up of a sick blend of twisted social values and government policy, is in reality the core of the problem, and what I am really attempting to strike at.  This issue involves everyone from Moscow to New York to Beijing.

It turns out that today there are 70 million more men than women in China and India, due to the social preference for men over women-a habit that was never thought out while practiced.

But even here in America, we have created a marriage disease of the mind that is wreaking havoc.  Here in America, the marriage rate has fallen by 22% of the population since 1960, from 72% of the population to 50% now.

Of those extra American men who aren't married, 58% still wanted to be married.  I like mathing, and think it is a good skill to have, so let's do a little math and see how big this problem is.  Let's assume that of the extra 70 million men in China and India, 52.5 million would like to one day be married (I assumed that due to their culture, the percentage of those men who would like to marry is 75%).  To be conservative, I want to assume the United States has about 330 million people, though I believe the real number is higher than that now.

So, 58% of the American men who are not but would like to be married times the 22% of extra men who are not married is 12.76% of the male population.

22% x 58% = 12.76%

12.76% of the male population is roughly 21.054 million American men who would like to get married but cannot.

165 million (half the US population) x 12.76% = 21.054 million men.

So just between China, India, and the US, there are 91.024 million men who would love to get married and have a family but will simply never ever have the opportunity to do so.  Without ever doing any math, I could easily make the assumption that this number is at least 50% higher if you were to include the rest of the world outside the Islamic civilization.

Think about how large a number this is world wide, well over 100 million men.  It literally means that one out of about every 70 or so people - men, women and children in total, not just men - will never have the opportunity to live a fulfilling family life.  It simply isn't available to them.

One out of every 70 people on this planet is a man without a future.  A man without hope.  A man everyone else is using for what they can get from him, yet never giving him anything in return but worthless porn.  One out of 70 is not a cheap statistic - it's every bit as large as the numbers produced by the communists and the Nazis.  It's a tragedy, created by societies and governments out of control, callous and uncaring about the men they order about.

As men, we are told to keep our heads down and be quiet and work harder and hope for the best.  But that obviously isn't going to cut it.  What we need to do is to stand up and speak up and demand that our leaders fix it.  It might be too late for millions of us, but we can make sure our sons and grandsons never have to face this empty future waiting for huge numbers of us.  One out of 70 is way too high a price to pay for the greed and selfishness of others.  We have every right to demand this stop.

One out of 70 should not have to abandon their dreams for the moral failures of the rest of humanity.


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