Here you are ladies and gentlemen, the visual representation of what I understand about dating & marriage. Between the ages of 15 and 27, high value women pick a good man and settle down with them. The vast majority of these women come from the upper middle and upper classes. The men they pick are almost universally from the same upper middle to upper class and were taught the same values they hold. These are the men they grew up with generally speaking. They have a divorce rate of about 20%. Lower class women are about 60% of the female population, but they have a divorce rate of about 70%.
The difference between the two groups of women is the natural check on hypergamy that occurs when you are raised in a good neighborhood and live in an intact family and were taught the importance of learning, not just education. The most important of these checks is what I call the "Crystal Ceiling". These women already live in good neighborhoods where everyone already has a nice car and a nice house and nice clothes.
Unlike lower class women, the women raised here understand what they are really looking to do is to maintain their lifestyle and live as good as their parents did. They understand from the few who do how much insane work it takes to make it to Elon Musk level. The majority of them do not want to work 100 hour weeks, and they are not interested in their husbands putting in that many hours either.
These are the women Jordan Peterson talks about as being a lawyer then quitting their job once they start to have children. And I know this is all true, I know many women in this group, and more than one of them is/was literally a lawyer.
They are ignored when it comes to the dating market because to most of us, these people are invisible. They and their husbands are not all flashy on social media. The accounts they do have are not full of bikini ass pictures but pictures of children and family and friends. They tend to be more spiritual in a concrete way of at least believing in some sort of personal God, and tend to take the idea of growing in value as a person as a matter of concrete action and results on their part.
Just remember that by the age of 27, the vast majority of these women are married and no longer on the dating market. There is only a small trickle of them available after that age due to various circumstances in life (even the best plans can go awry every once in a while).
What remains after all the good men and women have coupled up are Leftovers - those men and women who for whatever reason were not able or willing to attract a mate. So when men who are Red Pill or MGTOW talk about AWALT, they really don't mean all women - they mean the women who are left after the sorting out and marrying pattern is completed.
The problem is, to work your way out of this group and transform yourself into a person of value that can attract a good mate is a lot of work, and ongoing, everyday work at that. A good amount of the Leftover group are unwilling or unmotivated to work that hard, despite the mountainous evidence that the payoff to this hard work is substantial. Worse yet, women are taught that they are basically perfect however they are and thus dis- incentivised to make the kinds of changes that would greatly improve their chances of finding a good mate. If you would like a detailed look at the spell women have come to believe, go to my post on Beauty and the Beast.