
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Four Pillars of Western Civilization

My overview of the four central tenets of Western civilization.

Types of Women

I am ready for even more criticism concerning my thoughts, but I am in making corrections mode right now, so in this article I wish to turn my attention back to MGTOW and the abandonment of marriage.  I do so based on two articles, one that came out on Mother's Day and the other that came out the following day. First was the delightful, full-throated acceptance of motherhood by Jennifer Polk at American Greatness.  The other was an article from the Washington Examiner called "The stay-at-home mom wars and the altar of GDP" which notes that the vast majority of American women would like to have more kids and stay home more.  This is a refreshing breeze compared to the hard scrabble nonsense we hear from childless feminists every Mother's Day. So I want to take up the cause of women for a moment and describe the different types of Western women.  I think if we are honest and understand the real issue we can find strategies to respond in an adult manner without u...

God's Plan for Your Life....Ladies.

For this blog, I am going to return to my Christian beliefs before transitioning to other ideas.  I want to show you how the Marriage Life Cycle matches Biblical teaching on women and marriage. Now that I have spent the vast majority of my posts building bridges and setting out some new ideas and views of some general principles of life, I now am going to absolutely blow this up and ruin everything.  To perform this daring and dangerous act, I am going to touch the third rails of both women and religion.  I believe God has a plan for your life, ladies....and it covers the three parts of the marriage life cycle. From the KJV: I Timothy 5:14 I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. Titus 2:4-5 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husb...

The Law of Savanna

I have about a thousand things I want to cover and share, and it is difficult to keep the threads all together.  The reason I decided to keep this blog going is to act as an ongoing stream of consciousness for me, even if it is nowhere near real time.  I don't want to write everything into a longer form and be limited by the need to keep the organization tight.  I want to record where I wander to, and markers for what I think.  Hopefully you the reader will get something out of all my words and thoughts and see your days better for it. So today I am going to correct one of the best-known platitudes ever created; the Law of Undulation by C.S. Lewis.  He is one of my heroes - I wrote a book I named after his, as a barely legible and poorly reasoned extension in a limited sense.  So for me to criticize his work is a heavy weight, yet I must.  He is utterly wrong about the Law of Undulation. Only a few of us are lucky enough to live in the roller-coas...

Strike Three

I don't get into politics directly because I want to use my voice to support and encourage other men who are struggling right now.  But I do want to give you some good news to go along with the encouragement.  I want readers to know life is pretty decent and there are reasons for the rebound we are facing today economically. The economic policies of the Soviet Left are very popular in the West even though it has proven to be a disaster everywhere it is tried.  Take a generic European country like Spain, with a 14% unemployment rate today while America has a 3.6% unemployment rate.  But it is not just a matter of what does not work, it is also a matter of what does. But that is only half of the story.  It really is a contrast between the two, and we should logically be at the point of three strikes you are out, and the Soviet Left should be out now.  Not only have they failed, but conservative economics ha...