Types of Women
I am ready for even more criticism concerning my thoughts, but I am in making corrections mode right now, so in this article I wish to turn my attention back to MGTOW and the abandonment of marriage. I do so based on two articles, one that came out on Mother's Day and the other that came out the following day.
First was the delightful, full-throated acceptance of motherhood by Jennifer Polk at American Greatness. The other was an article from the Washington Examiner called "The stay-at-home mom wars and the altar of GDP" which notes that the vast majority of American women would like to have more kids and stay home more. This is a refreshing breeze compared to the hard scrabble nonsense we hear from childless feminists every Mother's Day.
So I want to take up the cause of women for a moment and describe the different types of Western women. I think if we are honest and understand the real issue we can find strategies to respond in an adult manner without undue emotionalism. So let me lay this our for you and see if you might agree.
1. About 10% of women and 15-20% of men are simply loose. They like sex, hate marriage as constricting, and for the most part remain single. This group, male or female, need no in-depth discussion so we will move on.
2. WWALTs. If you have not read my in-depth description of this group of women I suggest you do so. These are the unicorns men are looking for; traditional and loyal, they were taught by their parents through example and reinforcement how to build a successful life and a life-long marriage. But they only make up about 35% of the female population, and almost universally marry by about 26 years old.
3. A small section, maybe 2% at most, are homosexual. Lesbianism and homosexuality are not direct issues in my worldview, and I have little to say about them outside the threat they post to my freedom.
4. About 13% of the female population are the directly hypergamous women that MGTOW men hate. And let's be honest here, because the difference between these women and WWALTs are that they want to find a financial shortcut to the finish line that WWALTs work for. They monkey branch because they are concerned solely for themselves.
5. The next group, about the same size as the WWALTs are the cultural failures. It is this group that is our real issue, gentlemen. Superficially they seem like WWALTs, saying all the right things and they do seem to want a stable family life as their successful counterparts have. But there is a huge, poisonous difference between the two groups. While WWALTs were raised by functional and successful families and were given the skills necessary to replicate that success.
In contrast, the cultural failures were raised by our culture, which WWALTs were taught to hold very loosely. That cultural upbringing has twisted and warped mentalities of these women in the same way that most social failures wallow in. They want the emotional connection, but have no emotional self-control. They want the stable relationships WWALTs build, but lack the tools and ability to make sacrifices to make this a reality. They are uneducated largely in finance, child rearing, and most important areas of life. They are me-first and have adopted the rebelliousness common in our society. It only takes a village for the poor and unsuccessful to raise more poor and unsuccessful generations. The successful in society do it themselves.
Their failure is not one of faith, but of skill. What they need is to be trained, taught the truth about how the family works, and then brought to practice these truths. That is why I want you to get the Law of Savanna, understand the Marriage Life Cycle, and see the way the Church is supposed to be exactly this type of a cradle of learning. The truth is, we are letting these women down and destroying their futures by not bringing them wisdom.
Instead of stability, they will become serial monogamists, marrying and divorcing multiple times, making poor choices concerning husbands, and never learning to be emotionally intelligent or committed to something larger than themselves. The answers to these issues is clearly long-term education and training like a member of AA.
I hope this leads you to understand what is going when it comes to women, and if there could be a conversation about it we might yet create a corrective that would improve the quality of all our lives. It might even save our civilization.
First was the delightful, full-throated acceptance of motherhood by Jennifer Polk at American Greatness. The other was an article from the Washington Examiner called "The stay-at-home mom wars and the altar of GDP" which notes that the vast majority of American women would like to have more kids and stay home more. This is a refreshing breeze compared to the hard scrabble nonsense we hear from childless feminists every Mother's Day.
So I want to take up the cause of women for a moment and describe the different types of Western women. I think if we are honest and understand the real issue we can find strategies to respond in an adult manner without undue emotionalism. So let me lay this our for you and see if you might agree.
1. About 10% of women and 15-20% of men are simply loose. They like sex, hate marriage as constricting, and for the most part remain single. This group, male or female, need no in-depth discussion so we will move on.
2. WWALTs. If you have not read my in-depth description of this group of women I suggest you do so. These are the unicorns men are looking for; traditional and loyal, they were taught by their parents through example and reinforcement how to build a successful life and a life-long marriage. But they only make up about 35% of the female population, and almost universally marry by about 26 years old.
3. A small section, maybe 2% at most, are homosexual. Lesbianism and homosexuality are not direct issues in my worldview, and I have little to say about them outside the threat they post to my freedom.
4. About 13% of the female population are the directly hypergamous women that MGTOW men hate. And let's be honest here, because the difference between these women and WWALTs are that they want to find a financial shortcut to the finish line that WWALTs work for. They monkey branch because they are concerned solely for themselves.
5. The next group, about the same size as the WWALTs are the cultural failures. It is this group that is our real issue, gentlemen. Superficially they seem like WWALTs, saying all the right things and they do seem to want a stable family life as their successful counterparts have. But there is a huge, poisonous difference between the two groups. While WWALTs were raised by functional and successful families and were given the skills necessary to replicate that success.
In contrast, the cultural failures were raised by our culture, which WWALTs were taught to hold very loosely. That cultural upbringing has twisted and warped mentalities of these women in the same way that most social failures wallow in. They want the emotional connection, but have no emotional self-control. They want the stable relationships WWALTs build, but lack the tools and ability to make sacrifices to make this a reality. They are uneducated largely in finance, child rearing, and most important areas of life. They are me-first and have adopted the rebelliousness common in our society. It only takes a village for the poor and unsuccessful to raise more poor and unsuccessful generations. The successful in society do it themselves.
Their failure is not one of faith, but of skill. What they need is to be trained, taught the truth about how the family works, and then brought to practice these truths. That is why I want you to get the Law of Savanna, understand the Marriage Life Cycle, and see the way the Church is supposed to be exactly this type of a cradle of learning. The truth is, we are letting these women down and destroying their futures by not bringing them wisdom.
Instead of stability, they will become serial monogamists, marrying and divorcing multiple times, making poor choices concerning husbands, and never learning to be emotionally intelligent or committed to something larger than themselves. The answers to these issues is clearly long-term education and training like a member of AA.
I hope this leads you to understand what is going when it comes to women, and if there could be a conversation about it we might yet create a corrective that would improve the quality of all our lives. It might even save our civilization.